Let’s open up the dialogue.

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Festivals of the Arts

The foundation of our artistic programming will be festivals and series that exhibit diverse performers, unique collaborations, and highly interdisciplinary work. We will strive to amplify artistic voices that are seldom heard, and rarely considered. Our festivals will act as both incubator and an accelerator for new voices and new ideas.


Criminal Justice Reform

This initiative will illuminate the painful reality of lives broken by the racial inequality that still pervades the modern American criminal justice system. Through theater, spoken word, panels and other mediums for sharing and connection, the initiative will explore different types of youth incarcerations, racial disparities, and ask questions that many don't want to ask.


Women Center Stage

As a programmatic initiative, WCS started in 1996 as a festival first presented by Culture Project. In the years since its inception, WCS grew into a multi-pronged initiative for women artists to build community and share their stories. As a launch pad for provocative and relevant new work, Blueprint for Accountability will continue to cultivate and produce WCS as a vital space for women's voices.


Much more to come…

Blueprint for Accountability, 2014